Painting always comes with challenges, but industrial painting is even harder and more important to get right. From preparing the surface properly to using the right kind of paint and letting it dry properly, there are several things to consider when painting industrial machinery. Here are six tips to help you out. Preparing the Surface The most important thing you can do no matter what you are painting is to prepare the surface properly. Paint needs a smooth, consistent surface to stick to, so anything else can compromise the quality of your paint job. As a matter of fact, it often... View Article
Saltwater is far more corrosive to metal than freshwater. In fact, your entire port is constantly under attack by the destructive elements of saltwater. It permeates almost everything and will start deteriorating metals as soon as they make contact. Port equipment needs extra protection from the sea and elements to stop this aggressive corrosiveness. Any port equipment in the harbor is subjected to this corrosive effect. The main types of corrosion you’ll face are galvanic corrosion and electrolysis. These are the processes that make your port deteriorate and end up causing significant repair costs. Galvanic corrosion comes from having different... View Article
Port cranes are key to keeping everything running smoothly at the port. What can happen if the crane breaks down? It’s going to cause several issues, not the least of which is a big hit to revenue. Customers are going to question the overall reliability of the port, which can have lasting, long-term effects. The best way to get around these problems is to keep your cranes properly maintained. Maintaining your port crane can be a challenging task. Sure, they need standard care like lubrication, but what else is going to keep them running in top condition? Here are some... View Article
What is Industrial Painting? Industrial painting is a process that involves the application of varnish or paint on different types of surfaces. These can include walls, industrial equipment, and more. Usually, this process involves specialized resources such as computer software, specialized painting machine, and skilled staff. The use of these specialized resources is vital for various reasons. It helps determine the quality and longevity of the paint. Thus, choosing the right service provider is crucial in ensuring the results of each project. If you want high-quality industrial painting outcomes, it’s good for you to be well informed. Below is a... View Article
Realizing the best industrial coating type for your infrastructure may be challenging. Industrial coating is helpful in that it protects steel from humidity, pollutants, and salt deterioration. You can secure your asset from corrosion using a wide range of industrial coatings. Let’s look at some of them: Polyurethanes Polyurethane coating is mostly used in applications where abrasion resistance and durability are the principal considerations. They are categorized into: aromatic and aliphatic. Aromatic polyurethane imparts itself better to submerged environs. When exposed to sunlight, it chalks and weathers. On the other hand, aliphatic polyurethanes perform very well in sunlight, giving excellent... View Article