February 24, 2023
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Whether you work in the marine industry or simply enjoy spending time on the water, you know that your equipment is at risk from abrasion and corrosion. For this reason, industrial marine coatings are essential for protecting equipment from the elements. Read on to learn more about what they can do for you! Protects From Corrosion Corrosion is a problem for ships, oil rigs, propellers, and other equipment that comes into contact with seawater. The water can corrode the metal substrates that make up the structure, which is why marine manufacturers use anti-corrosion coatings. There are four primary marine corrosion... View Article
January 23, 2023
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Power washing, often referred to as pressure washing, is an electrically powered system of high-pressured water meant to make outdoor cleaning easier. The equipment can rid outside surfaces of deep-seated grime, contaminants, dirt, pollutants, algae, and other substances. The terms “power” and “pressure” washing are often used interchangeably. While they appear to be comparable, there are distinct differences, though small. Primarily, power washing is a heated cleaning method, while pressure washing is not. Heated water is a better solution for instances of mildew, grime, grease, or if there is salt on the surface. While various industrial types of businesses benefit... View Article
January 23, 2023
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If you are a business owner, you know that protecting your property is a huge part of your job. This also includes cleaning and maintaining the property as well. Power washing your commercial properties is a great way to improve the overall look of your property and to help retain value. Learn more about the benefits of commercial power washing here. Power Washing 101 First, let’s take a quick look at how power washing works. If you have not had any power washing experience, you might wonder why your business needs power washing. Power washing uses very high-pressure steam or... View Article
December 23, 2022
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Surfaces can be protected from corrosion, fire, water, and harmful chemicals with the help of industrial coatings. There are many reasons for painting industrial equipment, but for an industrial coating, it’s a different thing. Let’s take a deeper look into the advantages of industrial coating for buildings. Reasons To Get Industrial Coating Below are worthwhile reasons for industrial coating services. Weather Resistance and Durability The weather has always remained a critical factor in the durability and performance of a facility. This especially happens during winter. The prevailing weather will always determine the number of years it will stand up. For instance,... View Article
December 23, 2022
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As a facility owner, one crucial element to ensuring your contracts are renewed is ensuring your equipment is in top condition. Regular cleaning and maintenance are essential to keep your factory and equipment running, but painting your industrial equipment is another important step. Here are the top benefits of painting industrial equipment and the benefits of painting factory equipment. 1. Protection from corrosion and rust. Paint creates a protective film on your equipment’s surface, preventing corrosion and rust. This is especially important when dealing with equipment exposed to harsh weather conditions or other elements such as moisture or chemicals. 2.... View Article