August 16, 2019
Published by Writer
Industrial property owners have to juggle a lot of responsibilities and priorities to maximize the growth and profitability of their businesses. Your facilities and your equipment are essential to the continued operation of your business, and you need to feel confident that these things are kept in the best condition possible for long-term performance and efficient operation. In addition to regular equipment and building maintenance, it’s important to consider all of the benefits of industrial painting in Vancouver, BC: Aesthetic appeal: One of the most obvious benefits of industrial painting in Vancouver, BC is that it can significantly improve the... View Article
February 25, 2019
Published by Writer
The cold weather of winter and early spring here in British Columbia provides a lot of hardships for many different professions, but particularly in industrial painting in Vancouver, BC. This time of year is primarily responsible for many of the corrosion issues that occur in industrial settings, especially if the initial paint job was inadequate. You have a lot of snow, ice and salt, all of which is a hotbed for rust problems. You might feel as though you need to put off applying a new coat because it’s the winter, and the weather isn’t exactly going to make the... View Article
August 18, 2017
Published by admin
Industrial painting in Vancouver, BC is a difficult job, which is why most businesses leave this task to the professionals. Even professionals can find this task to be complicated without the right tools, which is why an aerial lift certification that allows for the use of aerial equipment can completely transform any paint job. Accomplishing More Ladders have been a great asset in the painting industry for many years, and will certainly continue to be, but the reality is that they can only carry a painting crew so far before they can no longer be used safely. Unfortunately, these restrictions... View Article