How to Clean Grease Buildup on Industrial Equipment

April 8, 2020 Published by Leave your thoughts

Grease buildup can compromise the performance and efficiency of industrial equipment, which subsequently increases your cost of production. Thorough cleaning of the machinery removes dust, mud, dirt, mold, grime, and grease buildup, effectively helping to reduce downtime, enhance safety, and protect your investment. Heavy equipment washing and degreasing can be a tough and long task, considering that grease becomes hard when it mixes with dirt and other contaminants. Apart from cleansing the various key areas properly, you will also have to consider safety. As such, it is important to learn how to clean grease buildup on your industrial equipment.

How Can I Clean Grease Buildup Off of My Industrial Equipment?

When it comes to removing buildup from your machinery, you should start by bringing all washing products and the machinery to the wash rack. Use a steel bar and spade to remove manually any large chunks of dry material such as clay and rocks from the chassis and then collect and dispose of them to create a safe cleaning space.

Spray the entire machine with a water cannon to remove large debris that could not be dislodged by hand. Generally, warm or hot water is normally used during this stage before adding detergents. By this time, the force and temperature will have softened any accumulations, making it easier to pull the chunks off or wipe them with clothes. Next, apply detergent sparingly while ensuring it does not become visibly contaminated. Allow cleaning solvents to sit for between 15 and 30 minutes so that dislodging buildup becomes even easier.

The next step is to spray the machinery with the water cannon again, starting from the top of the machine to allow for the wastewater and contaminants to flow downwards freely through gravity pull. To ensure proper cleansing of tight places, joints, and seams, you may need to use smaller pressure washers or opt for hand scrubbing. Use a suitable surfactant to clean rubber tires and hoses and remember to polish glass surfaces. Lastly, vacuum and hand wipe all cab interiors.

Once you are through with the cleansing, you can allow the machine to air dry or use compressed air to ensure quick drying. You can then remove the equipment from the wash rack and take it for repair or maintenance. In addition to removing buildup, you should also make sure that all parts of the machinery are inspected and contaminants cleaned off.

Using Steam to Clean it Off

Grease has the potential to contaminate whatever you produce, create trip hazards, and lead to mechanical breakdowns that will result in downtime and loss of income. Dirt accumulation should be cleaned regularly to ensure safety and efficiency. To do this effectively, you should identify the best way of removing accumulation from the machinery.

Generally, the sticky and slick nature of grease makes it one of the hardest things to clean. Using water alone will not remove it, while scrubbing and chemicals will not be effective, especially in tight spaces and hard to reach areas. On the other hand, pressure washing alone doesn’t remove all the grease and uses a significant amount of fluid. As such, you should consider using steam to clean and degrease machinery. Regardless of the type of industrial hardware, you need to clean, steam will cut through the accumulation and easily remove the contaminant from cracks and crevices. Compared to pressure washing, steam is more eco-friendly since it uses less water.

There are many more ways of degreasing machinery. However, cleaning with chemical products presents the risk of contaminating things or causing damage to parts of the machinery. With steam cleaning, you will be using high-temperature steam to remove not only oil but also disinfect bacteria. In essence steam cleaning, eliminates the need to use chemical-based products. Using a steam cleaner allows you to clean and degrease industrial equipment in a simple, cost-effective, and eco-friendly manner while achieving great efficiency.

Using Water Pressure

There is no doubt that regular upkeep of machinery can help keep it running at peak performance. Using water pressure is another option you can consider when it comes to cleaning and degreasing your hardware. Pressure washers and cannons are particularly effective in removing oil and grime from machinery. Since conventional scrubbing and washing techniques will not keep the machines in peak performing shape, it may be necessary to invest in a pressure washer. A power washer is a relatively small-scale machine that is limited to between five and 10 gallons per minute. Power washers are ideal for fine detailing, covering tight places and the hard to reach areas of the machine. Water cannons are more powerful than power washers and have a flow of about 20 to 150 gallons in a minute. Considering the pressure with which cannons discharge liquid, the machines are used to remove large chunks of contaminants before detergent is applied. They also come in handy when rinsing the machine before it is allowed to dry.

Before using either a power washer or water cannon, it is important to understand how the machines work. This will not only help you to clean your machinery effectively but also ensure you operate them safely. Choose the right temperature and pressure levels, depending on the cleanup needs, and wear protective gear to minimize the risk of injuries while cleaning. Even as you protect yourself, you must ensure that you can handle the process in a way that will not damage industrial equipment.

How to Clean Grease Buildup on lndustrial Equipment - Pressure Washing

Professional Cleaning of Industrial Equipment

Cleaning and degreasing equipment is a tough task. Without the right skills and experience, this can be a time consuming and costly undertaking. As such, you should consider hiring a professional washing company to do the job on your behalf. At Hydro Tech, we focus on providing reliable washing services so you can focus on your core business. Contact us today for quality and affordable industrial pressure washing services.

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